Die-Casting is how airsoft parts are made. Of course, there are a couple of drawbacks that comes with non-ferrous substance (like bronze, aluminum, lead, tin etc.). Before I enumerate some of them, I have to point out the key advantages why they are used:
Precision and Cost. Contrary to what my teacher and high-school said about aluminum, it is a very common metal. So its a “cheap” metal. it also has some weaknesses like stress and shaping. Cracking and Brittleness is a problem of some die-cast metal over time.
Ferrous-Metal Rusts, Copper-based metal (verb for Patina), but the die-cast parts gets brittle. Compared to plastic it is more durable, but compared to copper or ferous based its weaker.
The Holy grail of airsoft parts would be a Gearbox made in the same way as precision tool steel parts, like that of a car. But that is not possible, unless some manufacturer thinks they can make a profit with the cost of having Die-Casting molds for such… as of this time, no one thinks thats cost effective.
Die-cast for Tool Steel is going to be hella expensive. Given that die casting was used to maintain a level of precision, the equipment that can pressure molten steel into a perfect mold takes several prototypes and a pretty large set of facilities. Basicaly, its not possible without each unit costing a lot!
Imagine several million pesos per prototype and thats only 1 gear box. The cost of materials is also very expensive being Tool Steel, even more so if Brass. It is possible, but it takes a real artificer to come up with a cost effective solution. then another several million for the plan, and another few million in the starting inventory. If you weren’t able to find some buyers for your parts early on, that inventory is going to just sit there and eat up costs.
Its just exhausting imagining the pain and struggle it takes to have that product that is just SO niche. Although, I do admit given that China Plants moving to HK will raise their costs. If the Philippines jumps into that market, with a METAL type fabrication plant = large bunch of ferrous metal part, it would be a scary new world.
Ideally its not trying to compete with HK in airsoft, its more off letting them buy you off. Steel Gearboxes for pneumatic pistons is not just for Airsoft btw, its also for nail guns and other similar tools.
One possible but really expensive
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