Part of the WWII Alliance

I just came from ALPADI where the WWII re-enactors group had a photoshoot, game and interview with GMA. It was a pretty good experience and the guys were so nice to lend us a suit. We played german and I played the gray infantry suit.
1st Game. Axis vs Allies.
We started at the left side of the field. It was fairly easy to spot the opponents here. It may be thicker but that just means more things to bump into and give away your position. It was pretty quick and the Allies were quickly defeated because it was easier for us to gain the higher ground.
1 Possible Longshot kill. The guy I was shooting at raised his hand and called out a hit, but I’m not sure if I was the only one who saw him. He was pretty easy to spot. So in the end, Unconfirmed.
2nd Game. Change Court.
This time it was a climb up. I was able to do that, despite the red clay mud. The multi-cam allies basically took the high ground by the start of the game and it was pretty easy from then. I was able to get 1 guy because of extended range of high-ground. I was able to shoot at one who knife killed my ally.
I knew my ally was too close to the wall and she was pretty quick and spry ducking behind the tree and popping out. Of course, blind sided by our own defenses, I was way back. He tried to knife kill me but i was too far. He even tried to BS his gun was too strong, but I was far enough to safely shoot with my AK. Not to mention, Bobby was in the tower taking pictures and saw the hole thing happen. i shot him at the same time he went for me at knife kill. And knife kill is arms reach, he was too close.
3rd Game.
In this game we played defense and had a medic. Same place at the second game, behind the bunker with a good vantage point. I was shooting where they were going, and I was test firing before the game at bb slice to get an idea how it is tracing. Surprisingly none hit, even when they were more exposed (half cover) since they were standing behind just tree cover.
No kills, and I got hit when they were able to advance firing like crazy in 1 hi-cap mag limit. Its weird because I was snap shooting the whole time with a 600rnd ak and it seems the guys were emptying mags.
Last week. 3 games at KM18. In a medic game I was able to have a long range kill because the guy I shot was beside the marshal behind the burm. I was also able to get a kill in the speed ball, but it was just lucky all my allies melted away.
So +2 more kills from last week and 2 kills this week. Not bad.
CA G17. Bought a Classic Army C17. Haven’t had a chance to try it out. Still learning how to maintain it.
The AK has malfunction. I have to get it fixed I don’t know whats wrong.

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