Got a legit kill, that makes for 7 total. Again, a marshal’s call.
I had a probable kill at 40 paces since there seems like no one else could have gotten the guy and the marshal was beside him.
The legit kill was disappointing. My captain was far forward left of me, and I could see him streaming his bbs at the guy. The guy was running behind cover, and it seemed like he was going to get away Zombieing. So I started shooting a perpendicular stream of bbs continously even after my captain had to rewind. The marshal was behind him and after seeing that much bbs, there concluded that the guy was certainly hit.
My G3 and AK can hit pretty far, since they both use 20″ or 508mm tight barrels at 410 and 380 fps @.25g bbs. It would have been better groupings if I had cleaned the barrel. Which I will do on tonight while watching TV with the wife.
I got to measure my average pace at around 1.1m.
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