As a one shot, a lot of things are simplified. Long term character design build is out of the window. Keeping to my magical bias (and wanting to simplify my life) I am playing a naturally magically resistant race.
Playing this system is really weird for me if you noticed any pattern in what I like to tinker about.
My minimax concept is a classic dwarven pragmatist. I plan to play neutral, although since I’m uncomfortable with the alignment system since it assaults what I have learned about history, ethics, morality and psychology so I’m playing neutral. You can say, I’m that old 19Century concept of the Economic Man. Particularly when very long term and great fore-sighted self interest is almost indistinguishable from rational altruism.
The way the setting is made up, you can’t exactly apply pre-modern/enlightenment morality without some disturbingly Bizarre consequences.
Normal Built, but a rather lean waist because of the very good dexterity. Charisma 13, in dwarven demographics I would assume it is the upper 16%. Intelligence and Constitution is also rather high given the range.
As for name, maybe Hammer-cart Borga. Blehhh… oh well. Having finally taken the time to read Osric, the equipment and weapons are heavy! I mean 8lb bow, 7lbs swords, 15lbs of leather armor… which is possible if it was something like very heavy hardened leather, which was common in ancient armies as non-metal elite professional soldier armor. Where are the clothes?
The tables are dizzying, i wonder why they didn’t take the 3e formula system. particularly the one about Fighters having a +1 to hit a first level?
Anyway, its interesting that being a Tactician or Strategist may be difficult since there are no information gathering skills to set limits what the character may know. I know your supposed to “role-play” within character, I’m aware of information asymmetry. Still what stops me from applying a bunch of critical thinking skills in a constructive way I can feel or understand the limits of what I am able to do thus make the most optimal strategy?
… what the heck.
4d6 keep 3.
Abilities (Racial Modifiers Applied)
Str 11
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 13
Rolled Normal Build (taking Averages)
Equipment. (Rolled 110gp)
Non-Load bearing Items (13lbs, 18.83gp)
Bracer 1lb, 0.8gp
Gloves 3gp
Cloak 2lbs 0.03gp
Leather Armor 10lbs 15gp
Slung Items (25lbs, 6gp)
Shield (slung) 5lbs, 3lbs
50ft Rope (slung) 10lbs. 1gp
2 Waterskins (full of water; slung) 10lbs 2gp
Belt (occupied) 0.5gp (24lbs, 52.42gp)
Small Belt Pouch (Occupied) 1lb, 0.2gp
Thief’s tools 1lb, 30gp
Flint and Steel 1gp
Whet stone 1lb 0.02
Small Belt Pouch (Occupied) 1lb, 0.2gp
Dagger (Sheathed) 1lb, 1gp
Hand Axe (Slung) 1lb, 1gp
Small Quiver (occupied) 1lb, 1gp
Unstrung Short bow 8lbs, 15gp
Large Quiver (occupied) 2lbs, 2.5gp
24 arrows 8lbs, 4gp
Backpack (occupied) 10lbs, 2gp (40lbs, 16.55gp)
Bedroll 5lbs, 0.2gp
Blanket 2lbs, 0.05gp
Crowbar 5lbs, 2gp
Grappling Hook 4lbs, 1gp
5 days Rations 10lbs 2gp
2 sacks 2lbs 0.3gp
Money Left 16.2gp, 1.8lbs
Total 102lbs
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