How GMing was my Management Training, Old lessons

The reason i can emphasize so well with bad management was because there was a time I was a really bad GM and I lost all my players. Its hard to know you mistakes when no one will take the time to tell you. It is always worse to be the last to know. So the attitude I adopted about criticism improved a lot over the time I had no one to play with and had to spend a lot of time thinking what I did wrong.

Every classic bad management mistake i have done as a GM and paid the price for. It is interesting how GMing was my management training.

I used to avoid leadership roles ever since that one very successful time I lead a group at grade 6 and failed miserably after. I felt that I was the reason and when my teachers tried to talk to me about it I cried. I hated being the leader and I still do. I just didn’t realize I was always asking to be one every time I run a game.

Asking to be the GM is asking to be the leader. Being the GM means asking people to trust that you are going to give them a great experience. Being able to deliver on that consistently is what I always keep working on, even when I know It is impossible to replicate an idealized memory.

You just gotta put yourself out there all the time or you will never learn how to do it better the next time. Despite how much I hate being the leader and be the primary reason why things go bad, I just keep punishing myself .

That hardship is really all you can expect from life, being able to see hope, happiness and light at the end of it depends on how you frame it.

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