House Baldwin: The Kingdom of Jerusalem

I’ve been reading up on the kingdom of Jerusalem. In the Sins of the Crusades, the altered history made for it to be one of the refuge territories when the Golden Horde successfully invaded europe.

Looking at the area, terrain and climate, it is very hard to fit a migrating populace of about 10 million Europeans in the 12C into the territories of Byzantine Empire, Greece, the Balkans, Norman Italy, Palestine, Egypt, and parts of northern Africa.

Anyway, given the tools used in Medieval Demographics made Easy, the many Palestine maps found on the web, and Google Earth it can be a fairly straight forward method of making the kingdom. It would probably take me 4-5 hours (and good internet). Basic Rule- If Its taking me more than 5 mins to research make it up.

typically Palestine occupies 22,000 sq. km but including Mosul region (the eastern region up to parts of the fertile Crecent) I’ve extended it to 60,000 sq km but with a density of a near Renaissance level of mercantile efficiency average 30-ish per sq km. This is around 2M. I can actually bolster up that population density if Egypt and Persia acted as granaries to feed that city, but that would mean Palestine had to provide some valuable service or product…
… hmmm.. well the can serve as middle men and be the “England” between the two with efficient taxation, a textile industry, and the first to develop a sense of unity as a source of morale will.

that would work I guess. 2M would mean up to a 20,000 standing forces, another 40,000 rotating forces, and up to a maximum 40,000 aditional with levying. Up to 100,000 swords and not counting the baggage of 30,000 (made up by the families and women).

Religion in Sins of The Crusade. The new Roman Empire, revitalized by Empress Anna Comnena and Emperor Bohemon of Tarranto is a theocracy that had no equal. Unlike that of Queen Isabel where the Church and the Kingdom was seperate, this theocracy had the greatest political strategists (Anna and Bohemon) in its conception.

The Golden Horde’s invasion of the rest of Europe stamped “God’s approval”.

The House Baldwin’s Palestine was the only remaining Latin Christian people, surrounded by Powerful Theocratic Orthodox Greeks, a form of Islam that has become very non-religious and more enlightened, and some traditional Islam.

Given the events in the setting and Christian Theocracy, Islam had to change. Fundamentalism vs Fundamentalism created two examples that made secularism an attractive choice. The first to change their view were the Hous aDin and their forays into philosophy and critical thinking which recreated the new islam in the setting (basically the early agnostics). Then a few members of House Osman dared to be different and basically became “wild” and truly secular embracing rationality, something their pragmatism of nomad orgins seemed to thrive in.

Its much harder to be a christian Secular when all the political power comes from a Christian theocracy that tries to control how you thought. The only people who were protected against this assault of irrationality are those who had the freedom to think for themselves.

There was also the Logos, the bureaucrats of the setting who carried with them the tradition of Ancient Academies. Although the truly secular Logos were still rare. House Baldwin’s Palestine also had secular because of the inherent meritocracy in its efficiency.

Horde in Europe. in the setting, the horde flourished in Europe, but did so slowly because of the severe depopulation. They have began to also move vast amounts of people from their other provinces to repopulate changing the face of the average European (they look like the Steppe People of indeterminate heritage).

The first to be settled is France for their best arable land and climate. Germany and Spain slowly followed. The horde also could have established the most complete link between the East and the West, but at that distance and size bureaucracies and levels of organization cannot maintain contact and eventually broke off as a separate states.

French lands in Mongol Hands, the kind of Cavalry that can come about can defy imagination. The French industries of metal production, the grain production to breed better horses, the size and population able to support more intensely specialized Warrior class and the higher protein content in their diet and access to Imperial Chinese Physicians. These made powerful Horse Archer Knights who were bigger stronger and smarter. A natural check is that they were more fractured because of their relative power and their independence from the rest of the Horde.

In the setting, dealing with these guys are like dealing with monsters. A lot of lesser mooks, but the few elites are more than a match with the heroes.

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