The Slavers of the Horder are men that profit from the enemies of the empire: the horde that had conqured the rest of europe and control most of the north, east and west. The petty kingdoms and clans are formidable but squable often. Those caught in the middle, find their way to Mamon who sell them as valuable slaves a sign of status.
Adventure Hook. A Baron Durand, of House Baldwin’s purchased slaves expired unduly. The PCs are caught with the ball in their hands to do something about it. Typically the PCs (who ar lower in status) are obligated to do a favor and not to turn down a request from a lord of their own house. The PCs are given the bodies and given to return them to Mamon Barmuddi.
While at Barmudii’s a medicant sister has taken a dwelling near the Manor and has been trading with the serfs for holy fetishes. PCs who talk to her, are told Mamon has not been drawing his stock from the north but from nearby villages. This is not actually true, but has a tendency to get players all riled up.
If the PC ask nearby villages, and presented with the information they will jump to the conclusion that Mamon does so and will plead the PCs to break in and rescue a their missing loved ones.
Mamon Barmuddii,
Age 60, Ht 5’6, Wt. 160lbs
Note: He is a retainer of Baron Quamar Nahadan of Hous aDin. Mamon, is not a knight, but is a valued retainer for the income and labor he sells to his many clients. Mamon is a slave trader of the bodies from exotic east. His heir, an apprentice and adopted son, Kalil is well groomed to take over his father’s business and absolutely loyal and obedient (36yrs; handsome; same stats but -1 to IQ, and all skills).
Role-Playing. He is what PCs will find the most honorable and amicable of men. He sounds like a classical philosopher and wise teacher. Understand that he doesn’t see as the people of the steppe as Human.
Note. Slave trade can be very black in white in our modern perspective but in some people and culture it may be very ambigous. Mamon can be a spun to be a liberator, healer, or a scorn to the people of the Horde thus earning a respectable place in his community.
- IQ13
- Administration-14, Merchant-13, Diplomacy-12,
- Physchology-12 (callous), Body language-12, Public Speaking-12, Acting-12, Torture-12
- Physician-12, Pharmacy-12, Diagnosis-12, Poison-12,
- Very Wealthy, owns a fortified manor, and has around 40 families working for him.
Use this Roman Soldier Template as the basic stats of the characters below. The difference from the template is noted.
Bemgem of Garl
Age 31, Ht 6ft, Wt. 280lbs, Black Hair, Gray eyes.
Description: A large hairy man, with heavy calous hands.
Role-playing: A loyal hatchet man. Bemgem has a family and some bastards his wife and his two mistresses are taking care of. He is strict and heavy handed with the people around him, but he is generous and actually takes the time to make sure they get what they need. He asks a lot, but he looks after all those who owe him his loyalty.
Note: His boss is Mamon, and his boss treats him well. His boss, makes his heir Kalil take care of the health of his people. In return they give them their loyalty.
- Modify Roman Soldier Template
- ST+2, DX+1, IQ+1, HT+1;
- Tors DR3 (Light Scale), Groin DR3/2 (Studded Leather Skirt), Heavy Cloak (lion skin)
- Mace (instead of spear) Skill-13/Parry-12U, Dmg 2d+2 (note: typically a hit from this deals damage of 9, enough to cause an ST11 to roll DX or ST or be knocked back).
- Throwing Axe Skill-12, Acc 2, Dmg sw 2d+1 cut, Range 13/20
- Intimidation-11, Leadership-11, Carousing-12,
- 2 other loyal 2nds Tom Tools and Redder Paul (because there are 2 other pauls). Use the soldier template but +1 ST and damage.
- he commands 12 other boys who are as good as soldiers but without combat reflex
Garl of Garl
Age 52, Ht 5’5, Wt. 130
Description: A red scaly and splotchy skinned, old man who seems to be falling apart. His eyes look bright and young, Wooden detures have real teeth, and smells of old things and dead.
Role-playing: Bemjem’s Father, a very cruel and sadistic man. He gets paid little, mostly in the free use of the slaves. He is tolerated only because he is Bemgem’s father. People tend to avoid him and hide behind Bemgem’s if Garl would ask something of them. He constantly ridicules his quiet son, raving and complaining. Everyone ignores these as they think his head is gone. Garl will harass any female character and soft young male character.
Note: He takes care of his boy Garl and this Grand kids and bastards, oddly enough. Some are growing up to be as sadistic and crazy as the old man.
- DX+2
- Torso DR1 (Fur Shirt), Groin DR3/2 (Studded Leather Skirt), Spiked Gauntlet (right hand) DR4, Boots DR2.
- Brawl-15, Feint (brawl)-19, Kick-15, Spike Guantlet Dmg thr 1d-1 cr, Kick Dmg thr 1d+1 cr
- Wrestling-13; Can spit as apart of a brawl feint Perk.
Another Twist. Mamon, a skilled physician, autopsys the body to discover that one of the slaves, was pregnant and murdered by poison. He refuses to refund the Lord because the slaves were poisioned quite voluntarily.
One thing that should be apparent is that the murderer could have a lot to lose if this slave gave birth to someone’s bastard. Why? Who could be in trouble? Who would know? Lord Durand is going to lose face if he doesnt get to the bottom of this, and makes the PCs find out who.
Defaut Possibility: The murder seemes to be caused by the Lord Duran’s heir Alex. He probably panicked and killed the slave because it was an embarrassment to his betrothal’s family. But, PCs discover that Alex had no access to poison and doesn’t’ know she died because of it. He is quiet shocked and heart broken by the event.
Later on they discover the Lord’s Banneret, Sir Ibynn Tourkoisee was rumored to be seducing her and tried to find time alone with the slave. PCs find out then might have to take his word that he never touched her (and find out a twisted reason why he kept her around in odd hours- one reason would be she sang for his pleasure while he was with his lover).
They may find out later on that the Deacon Yiavis has been paying alot of attention to the slaves, witnesses say he would go to slaves quarters every night. PCs hear rumors that he has a bastard. Oddly the PCs find out quite simply he has been trying to convert them to save their souls. Exasperatedly promising salvation, which didn’t go so well when he has a tendency to only preach to the female slaves and tries to “commune” with them alone.
PCs eventually discover, that the slave was murdered by the woman she was attending to young lady Beatrice. Alex’s sister who did it to spite her older brother, after he of handedly compared her to the slave in terms of beauty.
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