All these small craft are typically blended wing design.
Light Missile Craft
The cheapest and most bang-for-buck missile and screening craft for non-Imperial Navy types.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M).
Systems: 1-1/2 Maneuver Drive (6tons, $1.5M), Large Cockpit (1Dton, 4tons, $1M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts (2 Pulse Lasers, 7 Missile Racks) (13tons, $6.25M), 2 Fusion Power (8tons, $6M).
Statistics: EMass 55 tons, LMass 68.3 tons (+12.6tons of Ammo, +0.2 tons of personnel, +), Cost M$17.8M ($15.3M base, +$2.5M for ammo), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, no life support capacity, sAccel 4.0 G (4.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity), no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Gunnery Section (1 cew).
Total 1 officer and 1 crewman.
Crude: sAccel 3.0 G (3.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (+28tons) ($10.15M)
Expensive: sAccel 5.5 G (6 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity)(-18.5 tons) ($33.1)
Rugged: sAccel 3.5 G (4 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (dDR+7; HT12) (+11.tons) ($33.1)
Rugged Crude: sAccel 2.5 G (3 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity) (dDR+11; HT12) (+44.4tons) ($17.8)
Fragile: same as regular quality but with HT8 ($10.15M)
including Ammo
Light Assault Craft
Most cost efficient LAC for non-Imp Navy.
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M). total 18.5tons $0.54M
Systems: 1 Maneuver Drive (4tons, $1M, -20MW, 200TThrust), Small Cockpit (0.5Dton, 3tons, $0.5M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts (2 Pulse Lasers, 7 Missile Racks) (13tons, $6.25M), 1-1/2 Fusion Power (6tons, $4.5M), 1 Passenger Seating (1.5tons, $0.01M), 1/2 Cargo. Total 33.5tons, $14.26M
Statistics: EMass 52 tons, LMass 68.4 tons (+12.6tons of Ammo, +1.3 tons of personnel, +2.5 tons cargo), Cost M$18.8M ($14.8M base, +$2.5M for ammo), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, no life support capacity, sAccel 3.0 G (3.5 w/ 1/2 pulse laser capacity), no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Gunnery Section (1 cew), Small Craft Seating (12 passengers).
Total 1 officer, 1 crewman, 12 passengers (typically marines in power armor).
The missile racks could be filled with disposable ECM and EW drones for approach and escape.
Nomad Class Craft (updated)
Tech Level: 10.
Hull: 5-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull (3ksf, 3tons, $0.55M), dDR 10 armor (15tons, $0.18M), Stealth (0.75tons, $0.23M). total 18.5tons $0.54M
Systems: 1/2 Maneuver Drive (2tons, $0.5M, -10MW, 100TThrust), Large Cockpit (1Dton, 4tons, $1M), Model-0 Sensors (Scan 14) (0.5Dtons, 6tons, $2M, -2MW), 3 Fixed Mounts, 1/2 Fusion Power (2tons, $1.5M, ), Cabin (3 occupancy cramped with hibernation bunks) (100sq feet) (2.5Dtons, 1tons, $0.5M). Total 15tons, $5.5M
Statistics: EMass 23.5 tons, LMass 24 tons (+0.4 tons of personnel), Cost $6M ($6M), SM +4, ASig -2, Hull dHP 20, 4 life support capacity, sAccel 2.2 G, no jump capacity, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.
Crew: Command Section (1 officer), Small Craft Seating (4 passengers).
Total 1 officer, 3 passengers.
Hangars vs Vanilla Cargo Bays
the advantages of a Hangar over a Plain Cargo Bay is that it is a cargo bay that sacrficed a small reduced capacity to be able to carry small crafts.
+57dtons, +27.5 tons, +$0.2M
Hangar (5x5dton) (+55 Dtons, 7.5tons) + 1 Launch Tube (+2Dtons, 20tons, +$0.2M)
Cargo usable space (if there are no crafts): 50dtons You can elect to remove the Launche Tubes but they are very useful for defense or attack (getting all the players out in 1 turn).
Passenger Jump Tenders: Instead of just providing the service to passengers some Hanger Modified Tramp Freighters can now carry small traveler’s crafts.
Subsidized Merchant (Updated aug 24)
appearance: Looks like a wide based, boxy submarine as its has very subtle angled slopes. The whole forward section is composes the hangar/cargo bay.
Tech Level: 10
Hull: 400-dton Cylinder Streamlined hull* (28.9ksf, 28.9tons, $28M), dDR 10 armor (144.5tons, $1.7M ), Stealth (7.2tons, $2.2M) Total 180.6tons, $31.4M
Systems: 11-1/2 Maneuver Drive (11.5-Dtons, 46tons, $11.5M, -230MW, 2300TThrust ), 12 Jump Drive (12dtons, 48tons, $48M), 80 Fuel Tanks (80Dtons, 2tons, $1.6M), Fuel Processor (3.2 dtons/hour) (1dton, 4tons, $0.2), Standard Bridge (2.5Dtons, 12tons, $1M, 3xMicroframe-C8), Model-3 Sensors (Scan-18) (2dtons, 24tons, $8M, -8MW), 5 Heavy Turrets (+7.5tons, $1M) (30 sand casters, 30tons, $7.5M), Hangar (20×5-Dton capacity; 220 Dtons, 30tons), 1 Launch Tube (2Dtons, 20tons, $0.2M, -0.5MW), 1 Stateroom (160sq feet; comfortable for 2) (4Dtons, 1tons, $0.05M), 20 Cabin (80sq feet; sufficient for 1, cramped for 2) (40Dtons, 10ton, $0.2M), Galley and Kitchen (sufficient occupancy for 10 and 2 kitchen staff) (4dtons, 1.5ton, $0.5), Recreational Area (4 occupancy comfortable) (4dtons, 1ton, $0.2), Workshop (2.5Dtons, 15tons, $0.6M), Sickbay (1dton, 1ton, $0.2M), 12 Fusion Plants (12dtons, 48tons, $36M), 1-1/2 Cargo (+200 hangar bay). Total 301tons , $119.15M
Statistics: EMass 482 tons, LMass 1,323 tons (482base, 18tons cargo, 2.1 tons personnel, 80tons fuel, 720tons of small craft. +21.6ammo), Cost $151M ($150.55M base, $0.018M tons of cargo supplies, +$0.144M), SM +9, ASig +3, Hull dHP 40, Life Support 41 (2000 man days of supplies), sAccel 1.7G (w/o small crafts 4G), Jump-2 (2 parsec range), Top Air Speed 740 mph.
Crew: Command Section (5 officers: commanding officer, executive officer/command pilot, navigator, sensor officer, and communications officer), Engineering Section (1 officer, 1 crewman), Flight/Cargo Section (1 petty officer and 1 crewman), Medical Section (1 petty officer), Maintenance/Passenger Service (1 petty officer). Total 9 officers, 2 crewmen.
Passengers: 10 standard passengers.
200Dtons of hangar space used for:
Regular Load: 1.4G (1000 tons of cargo)
20x 5-Dton Missile Crafts: Accel 1.15G (1360 tons of crafts)
Heavy Load: Accel0.8G (2000 tons of cargo)
Defense Notes: DR185 or DR37 vs X-Ray Lasers
Crude (+301.5tons): Accel 1.4G Cost: $75M
Regular Load: 1.2G (1000 tons of cargo)
20x 5-Dton Missile Crafts: Accel 1G (1360 tons of crafts)
Heavy Load: Accel0.8G (2000 tons of cargo)
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