Some Mooks Based on a SJG Post

Here is a write up based on Perfect Organisms post. My own take on these mooks, you may note I’m maybe considered fantasy killer. I hope you consider this Quality Content, because I’ve been having problems lately and I don’t know when again I will be able to post. Note again Professionals have a competency expectation of about 90%+, that is why their skills are around 14+, secondary but frequently used or neccessary skills are at 12; basic and underused skills are at around 10.

Tactics 15! remember that Skills are relative to the expectations in a given Era. A Medieval Bandit may not have the tactics of a modern day hobbyist gamer, but in his era it is his professional ability and his survival depends on his tactics. So consider this relative to what is expected in their proper context.

Description: A city thug, made up of the dredges and excesses of the masses that makes up a city. Typically they are part of gangs and serve as muscle. Expect them to be stronger and in better condition than most of the populace because they make their living being tough and their gang allows them to take most of what they want. Suffice to say they live a better quality of life then the rest of the city’s common folk. One cannot find “Thugs” outside of cities except for the taskmasters and ruffians employed by land owners.

ST 11; DX 11; IQ 11; HT 11.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11; Will 10 (+2 fearlessness); Per 12; FP 11.
Basic Speed 5.50; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8; Parry 9 (Brawling/wrestling).
Brawling 13 or Wrestling 12; Holdout 12; Intimidation 13; Knife 13; Shadowing 10; Streetwise 12; Fast Draw Knife.
Clothing (Status -1); Large Knife (Reach C, 1d-2 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-2 cut). No encumbrance.

Description: Real Historical Assassins were typically soldiers or professional warriors who were exceptional in one-on-one combat and were very professional. They were never intentionally trained for this particular kind of killing, they just happen to have the set of skills that makes them good at it.
ST 11; DX 13; IQ 13; HT 11.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11; Will 12 (+2 fearlessness); Per 12; FP 10.
Basic Speed 6.00; Basic Move 6(5-enc); Dodge 10(CR); Parry 11 (CR, weapon).
Acting 12; Climbing 12; Fast Draw (Arrow, Knife or Shortsword) 14; Forced Entry 12; Holdout 12; Bow, Knife or Shortsword 14; Shadowing 14; Stealth 14; Streetwise 14.
Large Knife (Reach C, 1d-1 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-1 cut / Acc 0, Range 8/16, 1d-1 imp), Small Knife (Reach C, 1d-2 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-2 cut / Acc 0, Range 5/16, 1d-2 imp). Combat Load (Light) .

Description: These are usually desperate men, opportunists, or a mix. There are many circumstances that turn one into bandits, but certainly most of them had no other life to turn to. This makes them hard men, unfortunately they are not usually disciplined. Typically, peasants who were levied in wars would posses some soldiering and some experience in foraging, survival and combat. A surviving group of bandits or brigands would certainly have some wartime training, to have lasted any duration long enough.
ST 11; DX 12; IQ 11; HT 11.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 10; Will 10; Per 11; FP 10.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5 (4-enc); Dodge 8; Parry 8U (Axe/Mace).
Melee weapon 12; Bow 14; Camouflage 10; Climbing 12; Intimidation 12; Knife 12; Scrounging 12; Stealth 12; Survival (Woodlands) 13; Tracking 12.
Cheap Sword (Reach 1-2, 1d+2 cut/1d+1 imp) or Long-shafted Axe (reach 1-2, 1d+3 cut); Hides and salvaged Armor (DR 2*, torso & groin); Worn Yew Warbow (Acc 1, 1d+1 pi+; +1 Weapon Bond); Small Knife (Reach C, 1d-3 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-3 cut); Combat Load/ Ranging Supplies (None/Light).

Bandit Leader
ST 12; DX 12; IQ 12; HT 11.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 29 lbs; HP 11; Will 11; Per 12; FP 11.
Basic Speed 5.75; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8; Parry 9 (CR).
Same Skills but at +2 weapon skills, +1 to other skills; Intimidation 14; Knife 10; Leadership 12; Stealth 10; Survival (Woodlands) 12; Tactics 14.
Light Mail Armour (DR 4 vs cut/ 2 vs imp and cr; torso & groin); Good Yew Warbow (Acc 2, 1d+1 pr+; +1 Weapon Bond); Same as Bandit Weapon (+1 cutting damage); Thrusting Broadsword (Reach 1, 1d+2 cut / Reach 1, 1d+1 imp). Combat Load, Light.

Barbarian Warrior (Freeman).
Description: Barbarian is basically a culturally relative term. Freemen of different cultures have basically similar backgrounds and skills. Note that more civilized cultures don’t have as many freemen as peasants (who are poorer freemen who usually sell their services to landowners). All Freemen of almost all cultures are trained to fight and bear arms, in self defense and in service to their overlord, chief, or community. Note that Freemen are highly motivated, independent and one of the most innovated peoples of any era; I’ve noted these exceptional quality in their stats.
ST 11; DX 11; IQ 11; HT 11.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11; Will 11 (+2 fearlessness); Per 11; FP 11.
Basic Speed 5.50; Basic Move 4; Dodge 10; Parry 11/11U (Sword/Axe); Block 10.
Soldier’s Arms (Long hafted Axe, Arming Sword, or Spear) 12; Shield 12; Brawling 13 or Wrestling 12; Fisherman, Farmer or Herder 14; Self Sufficient Crafts (all cottage industry skills like weaving baskets, charcoal making, animal tending, etc )10; Shield 12; Stealth 10; Soldiering 10; Shipman or Survival (woods) 12.
Long Shafted Axe (Reach 1, 1d+3 cut) or Cheap Sword (Reach 1-2; Mail Shirt (DR 4 vs cut; 2 vs imp and cr, torso & groin); Metal Helm (DR 4, skull & face); Light Shield (DB 1). Combat Load (Light).

Description. Peasants or poorer freemen are usually levied to serve the role of Pikemen in GURPS mass combat or commonly known as Spearmen. As poorer freemen and the more common sort of folks, they have more mundane stats, especially when these leavies usually occure twice in the life time of a typical peasant.

ST 10; DX 10; IQ 10; HT 10.
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs; HP 10; Will 10; Per 10; FP 10.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8; Parry 8U (Spear), Block 9.
Hiking 12; Shield 10; Soldier 12; Spear 10; Packing 10.
Large Knife (Reach C, 1d-2 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-2 cut); Padded Helm (DR 1, skull & face); Peasant Raggs and Padded Jack (DR 4/2, torso); Light Shield (DB 1); Spear (Reach 1, 1d imp). Light encumbrance.

Description: Crossbowmen were Ideal levies because of the speed of their training, but sometimes some grow a taste of the work and do not return to their peasant life, and opt for the better chances of a mercenary life. They Provide safe fire support for cavalry as their crossbows out range longbows
ST 11; DX 11; IQ 10; HT 10.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 10; Will 10; Per 11; FP 10.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5 (3-enc); Dodge 8 (+4 to dodge into cover); Parry 10 (sidearm).
Crossbow 15; Hiking 14; Axe/Mace 12; Soldier 14; Riding 12; Packing 12; Fast Draw (arrow/bolt) 12; Fast Draw (side arm) 12.
Crossbow (Acc 4, Range 200/250, 1d+4 imp); Large Knife (Reach C, 1d-1 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-1 cut); Mail Haubergeon (DR 4 vs cut/ 2 vs cr/ 3 vs imp, torso & groin); Steel Sallet (DR 4, skull & face); Long Shafted Axe (1d+3 cut); Standing Shield (DB2; +4 hard cover) Combat Load (Medium on average, but light when shield is planted).

Description: Guards are typically peasant soldiers in towns, cities, and villages which are strategically important communities. They are also armed retainers of land owners, although this makes their abilities interchangable with city thugs. According to medieval culture, the worste quality soldiers are left as guards. Those of a higher rank and capability act as sergeants for Landowners or powerful Lieges.

ST 11; DX 11; IQ 10; HT 10.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11; Will 10; Per 10; FP 10.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5 (4-enc); Dodge 8; Parry 9/8U (Sword/Polearm).
Intimidation 10; Polearm or Spear 10; Sword 12; Search 10; Soldier 12.
Glaive (Reach 2,3*, 1d+4 cut / Reach 1-3*, 1d+2 imp); Sword (reach 1-2, 1d+1 imp/1d+2 cut); Hardened Leather Armour (DR 2, torso & groin); Leather Helm (DR 2, skull & face). Combat Load (Light).

Description: Sergeants are Armed Servants. They are better paid than simple guards and are often freemen who are professional warriors in service to a Land owner. The combination of being armed and a servant, makes them highly prized retainers, equal to what the Romans called Bucelari. The Sergeant presented is serves as a poor man-at-arms. Not common until near the age of gun powder, were sergeants in command of squads. Typically sergeants who were in any command, were called Lieutenant (as it means “In place off”; as they represent their employer).

ST 12; DX 12; IQ 11; HT 12.
Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs; HP 11; Will 10; Per 10; FP 10.
Basic Speed 6.00; Basic Move 6 (5-enc); Dodge 8; Parry 12U (CR; ), Block 12.
Axe/Mace or Sword 14; Brawling 13 or Wrestling 13; Hiking 14; Intimidation 12; Knife 12; Leadership 12; Shield 12; Soldier 15; Tactics 12; Riding 12 (combat riding 14).
Large Knife (Reach C, 1d-1 imp / Reach C,1, 1d-1 cut); Heavy Flanged Mace (Reach 1, 1d+5 cr) or Long Shafted Axe (Reach 1, 1d+4 cut); Steel Cap and Mail Coif (DR4 skull; DR 4/2, skull & neck); Mail Hauberk (DR 4 vs cut /2 vs imp and cr; torso, groin, arms, and partial legs); Mail Leggings (DR 4 vs cut/ 2 vs imp and cr, Calves and Feet); Cavalry Shield (DB 1). Combat Load (Light).

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