Here are the last parameters discussed
1. 100cp, 50cp from basic disadvantages.
- 1.1.Basic Disadvantages, choose up to 50 points (you may exceed this but not recommended)
a) Humanity (GURPS pacifism) [0, -5, -10, -15]. Respect for the Life of others
b) Honor (GURPS Code of Honor) [0, -5, -10, -15]. Personal Integrity.
c) Honesty (GURPS honesty) [0, -5, -10, -15]. Belief in the Rule of Law
d) Ties (GURPS sense of Duty) [0, -5, -10, -15]. The presence of personal ties, like that of a “Family”, “Tribe”, or “People”.
e) Duties (GURPS Duty) [0, -5, -10, -15]. Repesents the responsibilities the character chooses to take on.
f) Faith (GURPS Discipline of Faith) [0, -5, -10, -15]. The extent of a character’s religous observation.
g) Bias (GURPS Intollerance) [0, -5, -10, -15]. The extend of a charcter’s personal bias.
2. Natural Ability Range 9-13
2.1. 9- Mundane and Unpracticed
2.2. 10- Average and Used
2.3. 11- Good,
2.4. 12- Remarkable, Really Stands out in a Crowd.
2.5. 13- Extrodinary, Comes with a reputation
3. Combat Skill Cap: 14
4. Standard Starting Wealth: (this is multiplied by the character’s wealth level).
4.1.Php 2M in movable assets,
4.2.Php 7M of non-movable assets,
4.3.Php 100,000 disposable. The expense of this is balanced by your economic role as breadwinner, co-breadwinner,
dependent, etc.
5. Special Background Effects
5.1. Social Stigma (Uneducated) [-5]
5.2. Philippine Minority [-5]
5.3. Masters and educational equivalent is Status +1 [5].
5.4. Experience IQ +1 [20]
5.5. Worldly IQ +1 [20]
6. 5 CP per game, Limited Use Fate Points.
7. The Game Setting has a very low Detail and Dressing standard. Priorities keep the game focused on Tactics and Decision making.
8. Games are targeted to last 2-3 hours.
9. No Combat Reflex in the Start.
10.Professional Lenses are Made on Demand.
Rough Translation of Philippine Status .
1. Status – 2 Masses with poor upward mobility (est. less than Annual Income Php 40k)
2. Status -1 Lower end Middle Class, Independents, (est. Annual Income Php 40k to 120k)
3. Status 0 Middle Class Filipino Family, with a combined (est. Annual Income Php 120k to 360k)
4. Status 1 Upper Middle Class to Very Wealthy Filipinos (est Annual Income Php 480k to 20M)
5. Status 2 Philippine Aristocracy, Celebrities, Minor Political Families, Minor Warlords (est Annual Income Php 10 to 100M)
6. Status 3 Political Families, Warlords (est Annual Income Php 100M to 1B)
7. Status 4 Active Political Families and Warlords, (est Annual Income Php 1 to 10B)
8. Status 5 Taipans, Faction Heads, (est Annual Income Php 10 to 100B)
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