Equipment Lists

This is filler until the real Low Tech comes around. It is mostly based on the discussion on the forums. It has a simplification of the shield discussion, the bow accuracy discussion, the armors are basedon Dan’s articles and the horse discussions.

They are in PDF form since I use open office.

GURPS 4e Low Tech Equipment 1st Crusades Era.pdf
for Armors Shields and Bows.

GURPS 4e Horses v2.pdf

  • to download without much hassle: just scroll down the page and choose the basic service. Its under the flashy red sign.

Note on Horses: I didn’t bother improving the ST to Wt. ratio as per suggested in the horse threads since it was a very tricky matter because I wouldn’t know the ST ranges of different breeds.

If you have any changes to suggest please post it here to alert anyone who is interested in the Hand out.

Notes on the way the information is organized. Seeing such a list of equipment will typically delay game start time. Ideally this information is already organized into Outfits which can be customized or taken as is.

Organizing Outfits and Primary Horses into cards would speed up character creation. Players selecting from the cultural and combat role packages could easily narrow down their choices from their own needs.

11C Outfit Cards are still in the works

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