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Spear Martial Artist CR 5

(DND3.5 Core Rules Only)

Appearance: (Default) A handsome/beautiful strong lithe warrior of indistinguishable racial features in dazzling patterns of embroidered silks. She/He wields a black staff with a blackened spear end, which she/he handles with unusual speed and lightness.

Design this is supposed to look like a Rogue but has HP of fighter.

Defense. Its defense is to be able to bring down an opponent before they finish her off, AoO allows this character to get in at least 2 devastating attacks before being brought down.

(Any) Half Elf Fighter 4, Barbarian 1

(Any Non Lawful) Medium Humanoid

Init +3 (+3 Dex); Senses [Lowlight Vision] Listen +6, Spot +2

Languages Common and Elven

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex) [Tumble] (Rage AC16, )

hp 44 (5 HD (+4HD Ftr, +1HD Bar)) (Rage 54hp)

[Immune Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects]

Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +1 (Bar F+2, R+0, W+0; Ftr F+4, R+1, W+1; Con +0, Dex +3, Wis +1) [+2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects; Rage gives +2 morale bonus to will saves]

Spd 40 ft. (8 spaces, barbarian fast movement); 70ft (14 spaces with Haste)

Melee +1 Darkwood Longspear +9 (1d8+5/ x2) (+5 BAB, +2 Str, +1 weapon quality, +1 weapon focus)

Ranged Darkwood Javelins +9 (1d6+2/ x2) (+5 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 weapon quality)

[Space 5×5 ft; Reach 5 ft] (10ft reach with Longspear)

Base Atk +5 (+4 Ftr, +1 Bar); Grp +7 (Rage +9)

[Atk Options options; Power Attack, Stand Still]

[Special Actions special actions; special action feats]

Rage +4 Str and Con, +2 morale bonus to Will saves for 3 + (new) Con modifier (5 rounds).

  • Melee +1 Darkwood Longspear +11 (1d8+8/x2) (+5 BAB, +4 Str, +1 weapon quality, +1 weapon focus)

Combat Gear gear

Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 13

[SQ Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf. ]

Feats Combat Reflex 1st lvl, Reckless Offense Ftr 1, Power Attack Ftr 2, Weapon Focus (Longspear) 3rd lvl, Weapon Specialization (Longspear) Ftr 4.

Skills Jump +10, Spellcraft 3, Listen +6,

Possessions Entertainers Outfit free, Mithril Mail Shirt 2,100gp, Darkwood Longspear 95gp, Potion of Bull Strength x1 (3 mins) 300gp, Potion of Haste 750gp, Potion of Cure Serious (3d8+5hp) 750gp, Dark wood Javelins x4 84gp. (4,079gp/4300gp).

Skills (class): Jump 4 ranks (+2 Str, +4 fast movement), Spellcraft 4 ranks (-1 int), Listen 4 ranks (+1 wis) = 16 (16 skill points)


Drink Potions before engaging opponents.

(W/o Enlarge) Rage, Reckless Offensive and Charge. AC 10, touch 5, flat-footed 7 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, -2 Rage, -4 Reckless Offense, -2 Charge). 10ft reach.

  • +1 Darkwood Longspear +13 (1d8+18 /x2) (+5 BAB, +4 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, +2 Charge, -5 Power attack).

  • AoO +1 Darkwood Longspear +11 (1d8+18 /x2) (+5 BAB, +4 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, -5 Power attack, +1 Weapon Focus).

(W/ Bull Strength) Rage, Reckless Offensive and Charge. AC 8, touch 3, flat-footed 5 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, -2 Rage, -4 Reckless Offense, -2 Charge). 10ft reach

  • +1 Darkwood Longspear +13 (1d8+21 /x2) (+5 BAB, +4 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, +2 Charge, -5 Power attack).

  • AoO +1 Darkwood Longspear +11 (1d8+21 /x2) (+5 BAB, +4 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, -5 Power attack, +1 Weapon Focus).

(W/ Bull Strength and Haste) Rage, Reckless Offensive and Charge. AC 11, touch 6, flat-footed 11 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, -2 Rage, -4 Reckless Offense, -2 Charge, +1 haste dodge). 10ft reach

  • +1 Darkwood Longspear +13 (1d8+22 /x2) (+5 BAB, +6 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, +2 Charge, -5 Power attack).

  • AoO +1 Darkwood Longspear +11 (2d8+22 /x2) (+5 BAB, +6 Str, +1 weapon quality, +2 Reckless Offense, -5 Power attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +1 Haste).

  • Jump +24 (can clear 6ft easy)

(W/ Rage, Bull Strength and Haste) Receiving a Charge

  • Ready for a Charge +1 Darkwood Longspear +10 (2d8+44/x2) (+5 BAB, +6 Str, +1 weapon quality, +1 weapon focus, +1 Haste)

Design Choices

  1. Why Half Elf? Save bonus vs Feat and Skill bonus of a human. +6 will (+1 base, +1 wis, +2 vs ench, +2 morale) vs charm person. It also seems

  1. Appearance, once described tactics follow that this character is a flanker or a monk. The trick is to make the character seem like a rogue so that PCs will use such tactics accordingly.

  2. Why Longspear? To receive charging Opponents and Too look less threatening. Use Ready Action to deal Double Damage and Reckless offense to raise your chances of making that shot count.

  3. Why Low AC. With this character’s movement, if there was a huge Obstacle to be cleared (like a man high wall 6ft) or hazardous terrain, the character can easy jump over it.

NPC Support CR4

Appearance: Men and Women, with worn and tired feature in dark verdant loose fitting clothes. What catches your attention are the black wooden tower shields slung over their arm, w/c they carry effortlessly. Still, they move as if they are burdened with armor.

(Any) Human Adept 4, Warrior 1

(Any) Medium Humanoid

Init +4 (+4 feat); Senses [none] Listen +2, Spot +2

Languages Common

AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +4 shield)

hp 30 (5 HD)

Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6

Spd 20 ft.

Melee Darkwood Shortpear +4 (1d6/ x2) (+3 BAB, +1 weapon quality)

[Space 5×5 ft; Reach 5 ft]

Base Atk +3; Grp +3

Abilities Str 11, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 9

Special Abilities. Summon Familiar (Toad)

Feats Improved Toughness 1st lvl, Toughness human, Tower Shield 3rd lvl.

Skills Concentration +9, Profession (Mercenary) +8.

Possessions Splint Mail 200gp, Darkwood Tower Shield 480gp (23lbs), Wand of Cure Critical Wounds (heals 4d8+7; 2 charges) 900gp, Darkwood Short Spear 31gp.


  • 1st Level- Bless, Burning Hands 4d4 fire (Ref DC13, 15ft cone) x2

  • 2nd Level- Bull’s Strength


  • Stay back and support. Use Tower shield as full cover.

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